
FICCI Massmerize

Massmerize 2024

Testimonials 2018


Mr. Shashwat Goenka

“Retailing to the Indian consumer of today calls for a shift in retailers approach to one of customer centricity. The modern consumer is aware- she knows her mind, knows what she wants, when she wants and how she wants it. Thus, it’s no longer about selling what we want to sell to consumers, but about following the cues from the consumer as she leads.” 

Mr. Shashwat Goenka
Co-Chair, FICCI Retail & Internal Trade Committee & Sector Head - Retail RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group


Mr. Raghava Rao

“We stand today at the intersection of retail with technology. This could well be the inflection point that can transform the way India buys and sells, and in that process transform India itself.”

Mr. Raghava Rao
Co-Chair, FICCI E-Commerce Committee & Finance Director and CFO, Amazon


Ms. Ritu Beri

“My desire is to strengthen the voice of India abroad & to open the Indian doors to the world by showcasing our artistic talent through creative interactions and dynamic networking. The idea is Branding Indian Luxury globally & creating an increased pool of knowledge and competence.”

Ms. Ritu Beri
Founder,  The Luxury League


Mr. Sankalp Potbhare

In a world of 8 billion, the consumer wants to be unique and is finding avenues for personal engagement with the brand. Brands that can strike the balance between providing a customized touch and being sustainable as they do that can win big!

Mr. Sankalp Potbhare
Managing Director, The Kraft Heinz Company


Mr. Patrik Antoni

Convenience and sustainability are two key words for any brand looking at creating success over the coming years. The digital retail revolution drives convenience and accessibility to new levels, where the customers truly can experience the brand offer in new imaginative ways whenever, wherever and however they want. To stay relevant for the consumers the brands need to take the lead and move from mass consumption to mass circularity!

Mr. Patrik  Antoni
Deputy Country Manager, IKEA India


Mr. Karan Bhangay

Marketing has passed beyond the archaic phase of brand awareness and lead acquisition. Millennials, who are the largest potential demography in terms of purchasing power, are spread out throughout the country and they look for three things – impeccable quality, resonance with the brand personality and immediate availability. The opportunities are multiplying but attention spans are dropping and the competition is rising. A brand which can connect both in terms of its value proposition and physical availability will rule the 50% of Indian populace constituting the millennials. Humongous challenges and rewards ahead for marketers!

Mr. Karan Bhangay
Founder - The Global Luxury Group


Mr. Kapil Makhija

“With the advent of e-commerce, consumer needs are evolving very rapidly with today's consumers becoming much more informed and purchase decisions being driven significantly through digital mediums, which requires the brands to evolve their technology solutions and ensure that they are able to offer a superior customer experience by focusing on 3 key aspects - Team, Technology and Processes. Going omnichannel and ensuring a strong supply chain to fulfil customer's needs are some of the critical elements in ensuring brand stickiness amongst the consumers. Massmerize 2018 is a perfect forum to brainstorm on challenges brands face in evolving their e-commerce supply chain processes and how a robust solution like Unicommerce (which is already serving 10,000+ brands) can help the brands fulfil their e-commerce/omnichannel ambitions and improve customer satisfaction”.

Mr. Kapil Makhija
CEO, Unicommerce


Mr. Vikas Chawla

“Massmerize is the ideal place for brands to network, have a dialogue and learn to change their digital and customer acquisition strategy when going after the next billion internet users in India. It’s a great platform to learn from global experts and brands. The ever changing digital marketing space requires constant innovation and Massmerize provides the perfect platform to learn that. With so much clutter in digital, brands need to have more immersive and interactive experiences to keep their consumers engaged”

Mr. Vikas Chawla
Co- Founder, Social Beat & Influencer


Mr. Saugata Gupta

“FICCI Massmerize 2017 will be a great platform to deliberate on how to turbo-charge the Retail and FMCG industry. Against the backdrop of low inflation, good monsoon, steady GDP growth and GST it is imperative for the retail FMCG sector to leverage the tailwinds and seize the medium and long term sustainable growth opportunity. I am sure that there will be very interesting discussions and great takeaways from this forum.”

Mr. Saugata Gupta
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Marico Limited


Mr. Rajesh Jain

“Indian consumer, while continues to experiment, will always come back to product/ service/ experience that delivers the value of money spent. What delivers success for a brand is the core brand promise, especially, quality and innovation. Not only does the brand promise build a cult following, it also helps retain those footfalls / eyeballs and get them to come back again and again. The customer doesn’t come for buying products only. It is the complete shopping experience, which if translated into ‘Customer Delight’ will keep him engaged.”

Mr. Rajesh Jain
Managing Director and CEO Lacoste India


Mr. Bimal Gandhi

“Massmerize provides the perfect forum for industry leaders and policy makers to share viewpoints on Indian consumers' needs and how businesses can innovate to meet them. I'm honoured to participate in this year's conference to discuss how Uniken's REL-ID security platform can help ignite Indians businesses' digital transformation initiatives.” 

Mr. Bimal Gandhi
Chief Executive Officer, Uniken


Mr. Joseph Chan

“It is my pleasure to be invited to Massmerize 2018, to have a such great opportunity to meet other players in the market, and share thought Leader Insights. If you are currently looking to overhaul your business model and overcome key regulatory and technology challenges over the next year, you must attend it.”

Mr. Joseph Chan
Founder & CEO, Asiapay